Japan: The Cookbook má více než 400 přepychových receptů od uznávané spisovatelky potravin Nancy Singleton Hachisu. Ikonické a regionální tradice Japonska jsou uspořádány podle kursů a vedle receptů obsahují zasvěcené poznámky. Pokrmy – polévky, nudle, rýže, okurky, hrnce, sladkosti a zelenina – jsou jednoduché a elegantní.
Japan: The Cookbook has more than 400 sumptuous recipes by acclaimed food writer Nancy Singleton Hachisu. The iconic and regional traditions of Japan are organized by course and contain insightful notes alongside the recipes. The dishes - soups, noodles, rices, pickles, one-pots, sweets, and vegetables - are simple and elegant.
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Nancy Singleton Hachisu je rodilá Kaliforňanka, která žije se svým japonským farmářským manželem v prefektuře Saitama od roku 1988. Je držitelkou ceny Jamese Bearda, autorkou pěti knih, včetně Japan: The Vegetarian Cookbook a Japan: The Cookbook. Hachisu napsala pro The Art of Eating, Lucky Peach, Saveur, Food & Wine, Travel & Leisure, National Geographic Food a BBC Travel a podílela se na epizodě ‚Sůl‘ ze série Netflix Salt Fat Acid Heat.
Nancy Singleton Hachisu is a native Californian who has lived with her Japanese farmer husband in Saitama prefecture since 1988. She is the James Beard Award-winning author of five books, including Japan: The Vegetarian Cookbook and Japan: The Cookbook. Hachisu has written for The Art of Eating, Lucky Peach, Saveur, Food & Wine, Travel & Leisure, National Geographic Food, and BBC Travel, and she participated in the ‘Salt’ episode of the Netflix series Salt Fat Acid Heat.