Some Magazine #19—Ready
University of Applied Sciences Potsdam, Prof. Sven Völker
Risomania - The New Spirit of Printing
John Z.Komurki
Why Materials Matter
Seetal Solanki
The Japanese Garden
Sophie Walker
Slow Reader A Resource For Design Thinking And Practice
Carolyn Strauss Ana Paula Pais
Slanted #44 - Type Fashion
Slanted Special Issue Georgia /Armenia
Slanted Publishers
What Design Can’t Do
Silvio Lorusso
Who can afford to be critical?
Afonso Matos
Latent Figures
Jannis Maroscheck
Thomas & Ruhller: Alfabet
Internet_Art: From the Birth of the Web to the Rise of NFTs
Stavíme knižní vazbu
Jan Hybner
Slanted Magazine #42—Books
Jost Hochuli
Aesthetics Imperfections
Gianpaolo Tucci
Big Boss
Jurriaan Schrofer (1926-1990)
Frederike Huygen
Mix & Stir
Helen Westgeest & Kitty Zijlmans
Commons in Design
Christine Schranz